Ощутите силу массажа! Попробуйте нашу акцию для новых клиентов и убедитесь в эффективности наших услуг. Позаботьтесь о своём здоровье с нашим лечебным массажем спины.
Всего 900 рублей и ваши мышцы скажут вам спасибо!
Improves blood circulation of massaged zones, eliminates stress, increases muscles tonus.
Duration: 60 / 90 min
Prices: massager of the first category / massager of the highest category
2300/4000 rub
Duration: 40 / 60 min
1800 / 2600 rub
Duration: 45 / 60 / 90 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
2300 rub
3000 rub
4000 rub
It is a quick way to loose weight, correct the figure, form perfect body and eliminate local fat and cellulite. Underwater massage is also called a bath for loosing weight. Effect is reached by toxins output, body clearing and optimizing exchange processes.
Underwater shower massage
Duration: 40 / 60 min
1800 / 2600 rub
It is one of the most ancient methods of not-medical treatment. Point feet
massage means stimulating of biologically active points located on feet.
Duration of the treatment: 45 min
2200 rub
This type of massage will help your family to cope with stress and tiredness simultaneously and improve your health. Two massagers, working contemporary will help you to reach relaxation and harmony “to be on the same page”. You can come to massage with your spouse, child or a friend.
Duration of the treatment: 60 min
6000 rub
Duration: 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
2500 rub
Combination of different techniques helps to recover balance between the soul and body, eliminate headache, improve your mood, fasten toxin output and increase immune system.
Result: massage relaxation provides general healing effect, stimulates immune system, increases organism resistance to harmful factors that lets you not only relax and eliminate stress but also stabilize energetic balance.
Duration: 60/90 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
3000/4000 rub
Relaxing massage recovers and keeps up human energetics, activates in our body self-regulation mechanisms. It influences harmoniously all the body, affecting simultaneously physical condition and mental state. Anti stress relaxing massage helps not only to rest but also systemizes thoughts.
Duration: 60/90 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
3000/4000 rub
Duration: 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
3000 rub
Duration: 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
3000 rub
Honey absorbs toxins and fastens their outgo from the body. During the massage honey leaves it`s wax part on the body and all it`s healing particles penetrate easily into pores. Skin is getting smooth and silky after the procedure.
Duration: 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
3200 rub
Duration: 90 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
4200 rub
Massage is based on mechanical output of fat from the hypodermic skin layer of our body. Because of active pressing and squeezing movements cellulite balls are smashed into liquid and are naturally derived from the body.
Duration: 45 / 60 / 90 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
2300 rub
3000 rub
4000 rub
Massage improves exchange processes, eliminates toxins from the body, is used in complex therapy to get rid of cellulite and decrease fat. This procedure is highly effective to decrease weight, makes better exchange process between cells and intercellular liquid and fastens toxin output from the body.
Duration: 60-90 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
3000-4000 rub
Massage activates lymph output avoiding from swelling, creating lifting effect.
Duration: 60-90 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
3000-4000 rub
Strengthening and healing massage effect is based on stimulation of blood circulation hair, provides hair and head skin with oxygen and nutrient elements.
As massage activates work skin-hair human apparatus it is highly recommended to:
Those who had dry hair and head skin
Those who suffer from dry seborrhea
Those who suffer from hair loss because of exhaustion and irregular nutrition (not from alopecia). They need this treatment most of all. Massage should be done in the most energetic way.
Duration: 30 min
1500 rub
Massage enriches head sells with oxygen, eliminates stress and headaches.
Duration: 45 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
2300 rub
Back (30 min) 2300 rub
Legs (30 min) 2300 rub
Total (from 60 min) 3000 rub
Cohesion and post surgery scar massage. Helps in healing. Duration is defined by a massager. Not less than 60 min.
3000 rub
Recommended as scoliosis treatment, eliminates muscles blocks effectively, irradiate pain in limbs.
Duration: not less than 30 / 45 / 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category / massager of the highest category
1500/2300/3000 rub
Neck, shoulders, loins, calf, feet massage.
Duration: 45 / 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category / massager of the highest category
2300/3000 rub
Показаниями к проведению процедуры миостимуляции являются:
В среднем курс миостимуляции состоит из 15-20 сеансов, с частотой 2-3 раза в неделю. Основной частотный диапазон для миостимуляции в пределах 30—150 Гц.
Демакияж, очищение, сыворотка + крем, термо гипсовая маска, очищение, тонизация, завершающий крем по типу кожи.
Демакияж, очищение, УЗ или дарсонваль, маска, очищение, тонизация, завершающий крем по типу кожи.
Демакияж, очищение, УЗ или дарсонваль, маска, очищение, тонизация, завершающий крем по типу кожи.
Демакияж, очищение, увлажнение, маска, очищение, тонизация, завершающий крем по типу кожи.
Демакияж, очищение, УЗ лифтинг или микротоки, маска, очищение, тонизация, завершающий крем по типу кожи.
Duration: 30/ 45/ 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
1300/1800 rub
1700/2500 rub
2300/3000 rub
Duration: 30/ 45/ 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
1300/1800 rub
1700/2500 rub
2300/3000 rub
Duration: 30/ 45/ 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
1300/1800 rub
1700/2500 rub
2300/3000 rub
If the child age is up to 10 years old the price is 1200 rub, from 10 to 14- 1500 rub.
General strengthening massage | 40 min 1200/1500 r |
Back “anti-scoliosis” massage | 30 min 800r |
Massage from hyperactivity | 60 min 1200/1500 r |
Massage from flat-footedness | 30 min 800 r |
Massage from bad back posture (kyphosis) | 30 min 800r |
Massage from hips dysplasia 45min | 1000 r |
Honey absorbs helps to output quickly toxins from the body. Having healing effect it makes skin smooth and silky.
Duration: 60 min
2100 rub
Massage from skin sagging after loosing weight (pregnancy) for stomach elasticity recovering.
Duration: 60 min
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
1200/1700 rub
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody who takes care of the body
Price: 26700rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
Last extra kilos don`t want to escape?
Everybody who came across the problem of loosing weight knows how it is difficult to get rid of last extra kilos. Are you dreaming about loosing weight for special occasion such as an anniversary, a wedding, a birthday party, a trip to the sea or just can`t reach the ideal weight? Or you have reached it but the result is difficult to follow?
Who is it for?
For those who want to loose 3-5 kg
For those who can’t go to a gym regularly
For those who are preparing body for special occasions
For those who want to fix the result after losing weight
For women after giving birth
For sportsmen to increase efficiency of the trainings
Do you still have doubts?
For quickening of loosing weight process we created a special treatment “Super drying” 2, including the treatment “Standard” + electromyostimulaton
5 procedures of anti cellulite massage
directed to increasing of blood circulation, making better fat tissue structure and strengthening muscular tonus. Stimulation for elastin and collagen development while anti cellulite massage makes better micro circulation and rebuild natural drainage, decreasing a number of fat cells in the body and fastening metabolism.
+ 3 procedures of underwater lymph drainage massage
which eliminates swellings effectively, makes blood circulation better, helps to output extra liquid from the body, increases tonus and skin appearance radically.
+ 5 procedures of electromyostimulation of problematic zones
that will help to tone the muscles without specific efforts
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody who takes care of the body
Price: 14700 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
We will help you to get rid of excess weight
Last extra kilos don`t want to escape?
Everybody who came across the problem of loosing weight knows how it is difficult to get rid of last extra kilos. Are you dreaming about loosing weight for special occasion such as an anniversary, a wedding, a birthday party, a trip to the sea or just can`t reach the ideal weight? Or you have reached it but the result is difficult to follow?
Who is it for?
For those who want to loose 3-5 kg
For those who can’t go to a gym regularly
For those who are preparing body for special occasions
For those who want to fix the result after losing weight
For women after giving birth
For sportsmen to increase efficiency of the trainings
Our courses were deliberately created for loosing weight.
We deliberately combined massage techniques in advance
This is the fastest and the most comfortable way to get rid of excessive kilos, to strengthen muscles and tone skin.
You will not need to think about anything else.
To make blood circulation and fat tissues better and tone muscles.
To decrease fat cells in the body and fasten metabolism.
To eliminate swelling and output extra liquid from the body.
To increase tonus and appearance of the skin.
Do you still have doubts?
For quickening of loosing weight process we created a special treatment Standard which includes:
5 procedures of hand anti cellulite massage
directed to increasing of blood circulation, making better fat tissue structure and strengthening muscular tonus. Stimulation for elastin and collagen development while anti cellulite massage makes better micro circulation and rebuild natural drainage, decreasing a number of fat cells in the body and fastening metabolism.
+ 3 procedures of underwater lymph drainage massage
which eliminates swellings effectively, makes blood circulation better, helps to output extra liquid from the body, increases tonus and skin appearance radically.
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody who takes care of the body
Price: 29700 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
We will help you to get rid of excess weight
Last extra kilos don`t want to escape?
Everybody who came across the problem of loosing weight knows how it is difficult to get rid of last extra kilos. Are you dreaming about loosing weight for special occasion such as an anniversary, a wedding, a birthday party, a trip to the sea or just can`t reach the ideal weight? Or you have reached it but the result is difficult to follow?
Who is it for?
For those who want to loose 3-5 kg
For those who can’t go to a gym regularly
For those who are preparing body for special occasions
For those who want to fix the result after losing weight
For women after giving birth
For sportsmen to increase efficiency of the trainings
Do you still have doubts?
For quickening of loosing weight process we created a special treatment “Super drying” 1, including the treatment “Standard” + mesotherapy
5 procedures of anti cellulite massage
directed to increasing of blood circulation, making better fat tissue structure and strengthening muscular tonus. Stimulation for elastin and collagen development while anti cellulite massage makes better micro circulation and rebuild natural drainage, decreasing a number of fat cells in the body and fastening metabolism.
+ 3 procedures of underwater lymph drainage massage
which eliminates swellings effectively, makes blood circulation better, helps to output extra liquid from the body, increases tonus and skin appearance radically.
+ 5 procedures of mesotherapy
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody who does sport
Price: 12100 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
Do you want to make your trainings more effective?
Do you want to have muscles and fit body two times quicker?
We are the century of successful people. In all aspects of our life (either it is a date or job interview) it is very important to make good impression. Inclining to get fit and be healthy we choose sport! And it is a great pleasure to see the results of our efforts!
For you we have created special sport “packages”, where we took into consideration combinations of the best massage techniques for you to be able to achieve good results two times quicker.
We offer you to relax after training and we at the same time:
– will work out you muscles effectively
– will help lactic acid to go out of your body and transform into new energy
– will eliminate possible muscular injuries
– will help to correct the figure in problematic zones
The treatment is suitable for both professionals and not
Super profitable package “Sporty-1”
5 procedures of sport massage
+ 3 procedures of underwater lymph drainage massage
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody who does sport
Price: 27000 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
Do you want to make your trainings more effective?
Do you want to have muscles and fit body two times quicker?
We are the century of successful people. In all aspects of our life (either it is a date or job interview) it is very important to make good impression. Inclining to get fit and be healthy we choose sport! And it is a great pleasure to see the results of our efforts!
Procedure of sport massage
For you we have created special sport “packages”, where we took into consideration combinations of the best massage techniques for you to be able to achieve good results two times quicker.
We offer you to relax after training and we at the same time:
– will work out you muscles effectively
– will help lactic acid to go out of your body and transform into new energy
– will eliminate possible muscular injuries
– will help to correct the figure in problematic zones
The treatment is suitable for both professionals and not
Super profitable package “Sporty-2”
6 procedures of sport massage
+ 3 procedures of underwater lymph drainage massage
+ 6 fat-splitting (lipolytic) meso- coctails
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for men to improve health
Price: 12200 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
This package includes:
3 procedures of back massage “Anti stress” (30 min)
Deep, relaxing massage calms down nervous system and normalizes emotional condition.
2 procedures of relaxing massage (1,5 h)
Relaxing massage of all body normalizes your work efficiency, helps your organism to resist everyday stress, feel more self confident and emotionally balanced for a long time.
1 procedure of massage for a couple (1 hour)
You can invite for massage your close person, who you want to spend your time with.
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody to improve health
Price: 17500 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
For pregnant women it is highly recommended special health massage. The procedure should be performed by good specialists only.
Back zone – only muscles are massaged and the vertebrae mustn`t be touched. It helps to get rid of swelling and feeling of tiredness.
Legs – it is one of the most useful massages because the main pressure is made on legs. Massage helps blood circulation.
Stomach massage – which is performed only after giving birth to get rid of skin stretching and return elastics.
Only after 3 month of pregnancy or after giving birth.
– To eliminate pain in the back, legs and loins
– To feel lightness and flow of life energy
– To prevent skin strain
– To make blood circulation better, stimulate stomach functioning, decrease possibility of excess weight, eliminate swelling, increase skin elastics, get rid of depression and irritation, be prepared for child birth.
The package “Back and skin” includes:
7 procedures of back massage
+ 7 procedures of modeling face massage
Against swelling, to increase skin elastics.
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody who loves his or her parents
Price: 18200 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
We will return health in one month.
It is not a secret that at pension age life just begins but also appear some problems to resolve: the back after long activities starts to ache, crackles in the vertebrae, blood pressure changes quickly, chronicle tiredness and meteo dependence, mood changes radically.
We have got good news for you. We have created special packages of massage and cosmological treatment for you, where we have united the most important procedures to prevent age changes and also have made big discounts on them.
Who is this for?
For those who like active lifestyle and those who want to be present everywhere we have created a package which includes:
7 curing back massages,
which strengthen muscular tonus, stabilize blood pressure, eliminate pain and tiredness and spasms and
7 leg massages,
which allow to get rid of swelling, tiredness and annoying pain in legs presented when you have varicose veins.
As a result massage will make the movement of joints better, will help to fasten blood circulation and metabolism.
Category: certificate to make a present
Recommended for everybody who loves his or her parents
Price: 19600 rub
How to subscribe: call us +7(812)347-43-33 or with the help of feedback in our website
We will return health in one month.
It is not a secret that at pension age life just begins but also appear some problems to resolve: the back after long activities starts to ache, crackles in the vertebrae, blood pressure changes quickly, chronicle tiredness and meteo dependence, mood changes radically.
We have got good news for you. We have created special packages of massage and cosmological treatment for you, where we have united the most important procedures to prevent age changes and also have made big discounts on them.
Who is this for?
For those who like going out and look brilliant we have created a package which includes:
5 curing back massages,
which allow filling light and energetic and
7 modeling massages for face and décolleté,
which will help to strengthen facial corset, lift the oval of the face, increase skin elastics, eliminate mimic wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin.
As a result your face and décolleté get a rigid shape, the skin soothes and it`s color is getting better. You will look much younger.
Procedure on all stages of cellulite treatment (Italy) (DVLCAPYL) | 1400 rub |
Fat-splitting (lipolytic) cocktails (Italy) (DVL EXTRA NEW FORMULA, LIPO STOP, LIPO STOP NEW FORMULA) | 2600 rub |
Lymph drainage cocktails (Italy) (DVL, DVLNEWFORMULA, DVLEXTRA, PHYTOSLIM, PHYTOSLIMNEWFORMULA) | 2420 rub |
Lifting cocktails (Italy, Spain) (ESTETICFORM, SILORDM) | 2540 rub |
Treatments for healing and rejuvenation of face skin, neck and décolleté with the help of micro injections with different cocktails.
Advantage of this method is possibility of individual creation and cocktail combination. Meso therapy effectively treats cellulite, it is possible quick and successful figure correction with its help.
Meso therapy for head and skin. Price list.
Vitamin cocktail
Vitamin cocktail for improvement of blood circulation of head skin VITA B+
Spain 2000r
Electromyostimulation is an impact of impulse currents, which result is tonus reconstruction of the muscular tissues.
Electromyostimulation of face and body- price list
Any zone | 750 r |
Three zones | 2000r |
Arms (up to elbows) | 500 rub |
All arms | 800 rub |
All legs | from 1500 rub |
Legs (up to knees) | 900 rub |
Armpits | 600 rub |
Deep bikini | 1500 rub |
Bikini zone (pants line) | 1000 rub |
Buttock | from 1000 rub |
Depilation above the lip | 300 rub |
Depilation below the lip | 500 rub |
Brows | 300 rub |
All face | 800 rub |
Armpit depilation | 500 rub |
Arms depilation (up to the elbow) | 500 rub |
Depilation of all arms | 800 rub |
Depilation of bikini (line) | 1000 rub |
Deep bikini depilation | 1500 rub |
Buttock depilation | from 500 rub |
Ankle depilation | 800 rub |
Total legs depilation (depends on the hair density) | from 1300 rub |
Stomach depilation | 700 rub |
Men depilation (deep bikini) | 1600 rub |
Men depilation (chest and stomach) | 2000 rub |
Men chest depilation | 1200 rub |
Toes hair depilation | 300 |
It has strong anti-cellulite, drainage effect, excretes waist and toxins, activates blood circulation, softens and moistures deeply the skin. SPA wraps are the best way to renew and prepare your skin and soul for spring and summer.
Duration: 90 min
4000 rub
Caffeine helps to activate lipolysis process in a fat cell. Cosmetologists recommend coffee wrap from cellulite and excess weight, flabby skin, if it is needed to tighten skin and stimulate exchange process in the body.
Duration: 90 min
3200 rub
Seaweeds are the most ancient representatives of the plant world. They contain a lot of biologically active elements: polyunsaturated fatty acids- Omega 3, derivations from chlorophyll, polysaccharides, vitamins and macro- and microelements. Seaweed wrap will help you to get rid of cellulite and excess weight.
Duration: 90 min
3200 rub
This procedure eliminates tiredness, calms nerves. If done regularly skin condition gets better, it becomes more smooth and elastic. After salt bath you will wake up energetic and rested next morning and the main thing- you will get rid of half a kilo of excess weight.
Duration: 40 min
1400 rub
Because of high interpenetrating capacity of such treatment grape-fruit and other citrus oils it is quickly absorbed by skin, normalizes fat exchange and helps to clean blood from lymph and toxins.
Duration: 40 min
1400 rub
Massage is aimed to reactivate functions of muscular system after forced immobility.
Duration is defined by the specialist.
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
2500/3000 rub
During massage stomach tissues are toned with the help of manual and mechanical actions. As the result stretches tissues become nearly invisible.
Massage duration from 40 min.
1300 rub
Massage reactivates blood circulation in small vessels and capillary tubes in the zone of post surgery scars, that provides healing of injured tissues of the stomach . Time after surgery is minimum 3 month.
Duration of massage is defined by the specialist (not less than 4 min)
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
1200/1700 rub
Strengthening of loin, stomach muscles, preventing from swelling, skin tonus recovering, lactation enforcement.
Duration: from 30 to 90 min.
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category
30 min: 1200/1500 rub
60 min: 2000/2500 rub
90 min: 2500/3000 rub
Massage lasts as minimum 1,5 hour. During this time future mother is getting total massage, which stimulates all positive processes in the body, loins, hips and stomach. Tissues are being prepared for future stressing, connected with skin straining during the pregnancy. (Stretching preventing).
Feet and calves are massaged too. Preventing from swelling, varicose veins appearing because of the weight increase of the pregnant woman. It is recommended to start preparation 1,5 month prior to pregnancy. (Massage duration is from 60 to 90 min.)
Prices: massager of the first category/ massager of the highest category 60/90 min.
2000/2500 rub or 2500/3000 rub
Гидромассаж – 45 мин
Гоммаж (скраб) – 15 мин
Обертывание – 20 мин
Душ – 5 мин
Антицеллюлитный медовый массаж по зонам – от 15 до 30 мин
Душ, увлажняющий крем для тела – 5 мин
Для выраженного эффекта рекомендуется проводить от 10 до 15 процедур, но первые положительные результаты можно увидеть и почувствовать сразу после первой процедуры.
В первые дни после обертывания вы уменьшитесь в объемах сразу! Процедура очень эффективно влияет на уменьшение объемов, и вы это увидите и почувствуете!
Миостимуляция – это процесс использования импульсного тока для воздействия на мышцы тела.
Пилинг — это косметологическая процедура, цель которой — отшелушивание омертвевших роговых клеток эпидермиса разной глубины залегания.
В идеале профессиональную чистку кожи на спине следует проводить регулярно — перед началом летнего сезона и после него.
Ультразвуковой лифтинг – безоперационный метод омоложения, предназначен для избавления от конкретных проблем на лице и шее.
Массаж с медом, как и все остальные виды массажа, в первую очередь оказывает воздействие на кожу и подкожную структуру:
Лимфодренажный массаж — это физиотерапевтическая процедура, выводящая из организма токсические образования и лишнюю жидкость. Показания для массажа:
Массаж по зонам –имеет большое количество показаний к проведению:
Шейная группа:
Грудная группа зон массируется
пояснично-крестцовой группы
Массаж плеч
Массаж ног
Также процедура душ – массажа является превосходным пилингом. Под действием напора струи кожа избавляется от старых частиц, клетки обновляются. В сочетании с обертываниями душ массаж является идеальным средством профилактики растяжек, придавая коже непревзойденную эластичность. После курса водного массажа забудьте о бессоннице! Проходят боли в спине и головные боли, даже хронические. “Уйдут” усталость и напряжение во все теле, отеки и тяжесть в ногах.
В процессе подводного душа массажа происходят удивительные изменения:
И все это – на фоне отличного общего самочувствия.
Что такое антицеллюлитный массаж?
Антицеллюлитный массаж – это разновидность классического массажа, стимулирующая обмен веществ и расщепление избыточных жировых отложений. Все приемы при проведении антицеллюлитного массажа направлены на уменьшение веса тела и улучшение состояния кожи.
Основные цели антицеллюлитного массажа:
Вам необходим антицеллюлитный массаж, если:
Что такое лимфодренажный массаж?
Лимфодренажный массаж – это разновидность классического массажа, в процессе которого осуществляется воздействие на лимфатические сосуды и узлы, ускоряя прохождение через них лимфы.
Основные цели лимфодренажного массажа:
Вам необходим лимфодренажный массаж, если:
Что такое детский массаж?
Детский массаж – это классический массаж для детей от 3 до 12 лет. Детский массаж помогает решить разнообразные проблемы, возникающие в процессе развития детского организма.
Основные цели детского массажа:
Вам необходим детский массаж, если
Что такое массаж при бессоннице и головных болях?
Массаж при бессоннице и головных болях – это массаж шейно-плечевой области.
Массаж при бессоннице и головных болях помогает ликвидировать гипертонус трапецевидной мышцы и улучшить кровоток к голове.
Основные цели массажа при бессоннице и головных болях:
Вам необходим массаж при бессоннице и головных болях, если:
Что такое массаж-реабилитация после вынужденного обездвижения?
Массаж-реабилитация после вынужденного обездвижения – это совокупность методов массажа, способствующих восстановлению утраченной двигательной активности.
Массаж-реабилитация после вынужденного обездвижения направлен на восстановление нормальной работы мышц, связок, суставов.
Основные цели массажа-реабилитации после вынужденного обездвижения:
Вам необходим массаж-реабилитация после вынужденного обездвижения, если:
Что такое восстановительный массаж после беременности и родов?
Восстановительный массаж после беременности и родов – это совокупность методов массажа, способствующих наиболее быстрому восстановлению организма после беременности и родов. Восстановительный массаж после беременности и родов помогает наладить равновесие во всех системах организма.
Основные цели восстановительного массажа после беременности и родов:
Вам необходим восстановительный массаж после беременности и родов, если:
Что такое укрепляющий массаж для беременных?
Укрепляющий массаж для беременных – это совокупность методов воздействия на организм беременной для коррекции ее состояния. Укрепляющий массаж для беременных помогает справиться с нагрузкой на опорно-двигательный аппарат, возрастающей из-за увеличения массы тела, смещения центра тяжести, гормональных изменений.
Основные цели укрепляющего массажа для беременных
Вам необходим укрепляющий массаж для беременных, если
Что такое висцеральный массаж живота?
Висцеральный массаж живота – это совокупность методов воздействия на внутренние органы брюшной полости через ее переднюю стенку. Висцеральный массаж живота
помогает нормализовать работу органов пищеварения, почек, мочевого пузыря и др.
Основные цели висцерального массажа живота:
Вам необходим висцеральный массаж живота, если
Что такое глубокий массаж спины?
Глубокий массаж спины – это разновидность общего классического массажа, целью которой является лечение многих заболеваний опорно-двигательного аппарата человека.
Глубокий массаж спины представляет собой интенсивное и эффективное воздействие на мышцы и позвоночник с лечебными целями.
Основные цели глубокого массажа спины:
Вам необходим глубокий массаж спины, если
Что такое общий классический массаж?
Общий классический массаж – это совокупность специальных приемов, с помощью которых оказывается комплексное оздоравливающее воздействие на все тело человека.
Общий классический массаж является эффективным способом лечения и профилактики множества заболеваний.
Основные цели общего классического массажа:
Вам необходим общий классический массаж, если